Yesterday we told you that the Inventor Shop will participate at the early bird Hamburg Lifestyle Fair. But not only in Europe also in the United States there are some major invention events coming up. You shouldn´t miss them.

Since 1958 the Minnesota Inventors Congress (MIC) has hosted an invention show in Redwood Falls, MN, now called the Invention & Idea Show. This event offers inventors an opportunity to test market their inventions, to network with other inventors and to talk to patent attorneys and consultants who are experts in the product development process. This year the Invention & Idea Show is scheduled on June 8 and 9th.
Only four days later the next big invention event starts.

INPEX, the Invention & New Product Exposition, is America’s largest invention trade show and will last from June 13th until June 15th in the Monroeville Convention Center in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. Operated by InventHelp INPEX provides a forum for inventors to exhibit their inventions and attempt to make contacts with companies interested in licensing, marketing or manufacturing new products.
Stay tuned, we keep you up to date!