It is about time..

Remember the Berlin Standard Time we already told you about? We bet you do because it´s a clock you don´t see every day.

Isn´t it amazing to watch the workers rebuild the real time? The idea was born in Berlin, Germany and is part of our exclusive product line. recently referred to it as „the most awesome online clock ever“. And guess what: You can also buy it on DVD. Where? In the InventorHaus, Inc. online shop! Time to go for it!

It´s time for the Berlin Standard Time!

Do you know what time it is? It´s time for the Berlin Standard Time!

„Standard Time is a performance lasting exactly 24 hours and recorded on film. However, this film is much more than just the recording of an action, the recording of something that has taken place in the past; it is also a clock. A clock for use right now and in the future which, as each day goes by, extends further into the past, but is still up-to-date and punctual”, says Mark Formanek, who came up with the idea for the artwork.

As you can see all together 70 workers are building a wooden 4 x 12 m „digital“ time display in real time: a work that involves 1611 changes within a 24 hour period. What an innovative idea! And that´s not only our thought.

Remember we told you that we were at the Ambiente in Frankfurt, Germany and that we presentend some of our exclusive products? The Berlin Standard Time, for which we have the exclusive distribution rights in Austria, was one of them.

And guess who stopped by at our stand and was faszinated about the artwork. The head of Fred & Friends, Mr. Fred himself! So chances are good that the Berlin Standard Time will soon be also part of his product line.