Important Invention Conventions

Every year, there are various exhibitions and trade shows around the world, where inventors can get in touch with partners for licensing, marketing and manufacturing of their product or invention. One of the largest trade shows in the United States is INPEX Inventions and New Products Exposition.

In 2012 it is taking place from June 13 – 15, at the Monroeville Convention Center in Pittsburg, Pennsylvania. It is also called „The Invention Show“ and gives a showcase to inventors to present their patented products to well know investors and industry representatives.

Additionally, INPEX offers learning opportunities to every inventor. They can attend different events from seminars, presentations and panel discussions to learn from fellow inventors and key note speakers. The latest news and information is published by the director of INPEX, Karen Hait, on her blog.

To learn more about INPEX, the latest news, how to sign up and the opportunities it may offer to you as an inventor also see:

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