Invention Conventions 2012

Dear inventors, have you yet updated your diary with the most important international conventions that are coming up in 2012?

20 – 23 March 2012
Moscow (Russia) – ARCHIMEDES International Salon of Inventions and Innovation Technologies

18 – 22 April 2012
Geneva (Switzerland) – International Exhibition of Inventions

May 2012
Connecticut (USA) – Connecticut Invention Convention

08 – 09 June 2012
Minnesota (USA) – Minnesota Inventors Congress Invention & Idea Show

13 – 15 June 2012
Pittsburgh (USA) – INPEX Invention and New Product Exposition

29 May – 01 June 2012
Poznan (Poland) – ITM Poland — Innovations Technologies Machines

September 2012
Taipei (Taiwan) – Taipei International Invention Show & Technomart

October 2012 in Germany
Farnham (UK) – Sustainable Innovation 2011

01 – 04 November 2012
Nürnberg (Germany) – IENA: Ideas–Inventions–New Products

October 2012, dates to be announced
London (UK) – The British Invention Show

09 November 2012
Worldwide – Inventor’s Day

November 2012
Brussels (Belgium) – Brussels Innova

December 2012, dates to be announced
Seoul (Korea) – Seoul International Invention Fair

To stay up to date with changes or new releases, also visit the Invention Convention page of Inventorhaus, Inc.

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