Already tried the Fruit Flavored Envelopes?

Sending mail is pretty easy these days. You just start your email program, type in a message and klick send. Nevertheless, every now and then you are faced with the dreaded lick of an envelope.

But take a lick at flavorlope…

They are a new line of lickable, scented and flavored envelopes created by a California-based husband and wife team. Ours is a story that began on a day much like any other. My husband, Chris, had been working from home stuffing envelopes for a business mailing.  When he returned from the Post Office, he had a twinkle in his eye and was grinning from ear to ear.  When I asked what had happened, he simply replied, “I think I just came up with a great idea!  Why hasn’t anyone ever invented a flavored envelope?”… you can read on their homepage.

Currently customers can choose between five different flavors: cherry, grape, orange, apple, and strawberry. Soon the company also wants to offer “Seasonal Lopes”  like candy corn, egg nog and ginger bread.

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