Hello and Welcome to Inpama.com…

We would like to inform you of a new website for inventors, www.inpama.com, where inventors can promote their invention absolutely free of charge with no hidden commissions or fees.

With inpama.com inventors can promote, market, and sell their inventions, completely free of charge.  In just two minutes, a webpage with photos, videos, and related documents for each invention can be easily created.  Most importantly though, is that inventors can find investors, manufacturers, and distributors on inpama.com

On inpama.com, prospective license-ready technologies can be found which can be quickly implemented into a finished product.

Inpama.com does not charge any commission fees from inventors or invention seekers.  It is completely free to use.

With inpama.com, inventors can help create exposure for their inventions, due to search engine optimization.  For instance, if you google „camera flash invention“, the inpama page for that invention comes up on the first page of the search results.  As we all know, it can be a challenging task to promote an invention, however inpama.com is one more tool that can help inventors achieve their goals.

If you have any further questions, please contact us at: info@inpama.com

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